Katie Price or Jordan previously known as an English glamour model and media personality launched her fourth collection of KP Equestrian, the line includes bright colors like pink and purple. The clothing line consists of velour sweatpants, sweaters, and shorts, as well as graphic shirts. This line is not just for the rider but also has items for the horses. Bridles, head collars, and rugs are some of those items.
She had her two youngest children Princess and Junior model the clothes on the website.
Princess with her hands on her hips seems to feel comfortable in front of the camera.
Jordan is like a diva modeling the jacket and polo.
Katie Price said "One of my favorite pieces is the narrow-striped hoodie; the bubble-gum pink velour is just amazing; and I reckon the I Love Horses tee is a summer must-have." She has been riding since she was 7 years old.
I love the colors but I was a little shocked once looking at the items offered. When it is called an equestrian clothing line I pictured practical things that could be worn while riding. The horses seem to have more practical choices like the bridles. For children it makes the equestrian life more colorful and fun but I wouldn't buy any of the products from the adult clothing line for myself.
If you want to buy any items go to the official website linked at the top of the page and order online.
Zara Phillips the daughter of Princess Anne took a day long photo shoot at the 12th century Berkeley Castle in Gloucestershire. She has been riding all her life and her clothing line shows what she knows about what riders would want.
It was impressive when she said " I tried and tested everything." The most expensive item is a fleece lined riding jacket at 200 euros. A hooded top and micro fleece is 60 euros.
Each item has her riding number which is 176 and her initials on it. Her clothing line is in partnership with Musto a leading name brand for sporting goods. She even admitted that she has been wearing Musto as long as she could remember. To buy any of her items go to the Musto website linked above.
I love her clothing line compared to Katie Price's because it is everything hers is not. Zara Phillips stated "It's less to do with mainstream fashion and more about practicality and engineering something that works in training, but which you wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen in, in public." That is exactly what Katie Price did not have practicality. Zara Phillips also has a children's equestrian clothing line and it is just has functional. I would buy one of the riding jackets when winter comes.
Equestrian Clothes are ceart personalty men's and women's.