Monday, November 14, 2011

A Thoroughbred Mare was Found Butchered in Miami Dade County Florida

I wrote a previous blog post on the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act which is a bill to stop the shipping, sale and consumption of horses. So it was shocking to read in a Miami Herald article that last month a six year old thoroughbred mare was butchered and left on the side of the road.

The mare's heart and legs were removed. The police believe the horse was stolen because she was in good health and good condition. Her mane seemed to have been recently groomed which is a sign she was probably stolen.

Richard Couto, has worked at the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in South Florida, and  commented in the article about the horse having a tattoo on her upper lip with an identification number that determined she was a race horse.

She was left on the road north of Okeechobee Road and west of the Florida Turnpike. Richard Couto mentioned in the article that this area is known for being one of the biggest horse slaughter regions in the county. In 2009 police shut down 70 illegal slaughter houses in the county and 21 dead horses have been found as well in that year.

These horrific events in 2009 resulted in the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act. The article interestingly discussed how horse meat is legal in the United States but it has to be labeled and done at a licensed facility. Most of the horses that are being slaughtered are done illegally and are usually stolen.

This situation was outrageous and I can not believe people are doing such cruel actions towards horses. To get involved sign this petition.

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